The Seven Hottest Interior Design Trends of 2020

The year is almost over, and it’s time to think about the biggest interior design trends coming in 2020. This way, you can plan to incorporate them into your design if you’re updating or remodelling. You don’t have to do much to breathe new life into your room. To find a few easy solutions, take a look below.

1 – Black and White

The last year saw a shift to vibrant and bold colours, but 2020 is going back to classic. Black and white create flawless contrast in every room you use them in. There are dozens of ways to work this trend into your home decor. White throw pillows, black sofas and chairs, black and white marble or white drapery with black accents. However you choose to incorporate it, this trend will add a touch of class throughout your home.

Image by Ryan Doka from Pixabay

2 – Canopy Beds

2020 is going to be about luxurious throwback trends. Canopy beds are coming back in a big way, and they’re a fantastic way to create a serene setting in your bedroom. You do have to balance style with functionality, however, and if you haven’t had a canopy bed before they can take a bit of getting used to. Try a tester canopy with layers of breathable fabric over a slender frame.

Image by Rebecca Matthews from Pixabay

3 – Timber Flooring

Timber flooring gives a warmth to your room that wasn’t there before, and it’s so durable. You can get several different shades and colours that enhance your decor. Additionally, timber flooring is very durable and easy to take care of, and this is always great in busy households. Add a pop of colour by laying an area rug down, or just let the floor speak for itself.

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

4 – Biophilic Design

2019 may have been all about technology, but 2020 is about getting back to basics and nature. People are starting to incorporate recycled wood furniture and other “green” design aspects into their interior design. You can add recycled plastic rugs to your floors and incorporate heaps of plants. Not only do plants help bring the green spaces indoors, but they clean your home’s air too.

Image by LUM3N from Pixabay

5 – Floral Prints

Soft and feminine, floral prints are making a comeback in the form of contemporary wallpapers. Floral wallpaper typically incorporates different colours and flower sizes to create an interesting look that meshes well with a number of different decor types. Vibrant colours like bright yellow with deep green can make your walls pop, or you could add floral pillows and throws around your home.

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

6 – Mixed Metals 

Metals are going to make a big splash in 2020. Think copper, gold, tin or silver. Many kitchens will see tin backsplashes, and mixing metals is going to explode in popularity. Brown and silver metal work well together, and  you can mix and match bronze, gold or iron. You want to limit your mixing to three metals per room, though, to avoid making it appear too ‘busy’.


7 – Neutral Colours

Neutral colours are classic, chic and serene. They’re typically not super ‘busy’, and they don’t distract from your eye-catching pieces. In particular, beige and grey are the two tones to incorporate in 2020. Not only do these tones look fantastic on your walls, but furniture blends seamlessly with them as well.

Image by DarthZuzanka from Pixabay

Bottom Line

These seven design trends for 2020 can help you quickly and easily upgrade your decor, or add a few interesting elements into your style. Try one or try them all and relax in your chic, trendy home this coming year.

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