Carpet Types Compared

Carpet Types Compared

Did you know that there are different types of carpet you can compare and use in your home? Carpet fibre is the material that makes up the strands of your carpet. Each fibre comes with a set of characteristics that include weaknesses and strengths. In order to be sure that you pick out the best carpet for…

4 Questions for Choosing the Right Flooring Underlay

4 Questions for Choosing the Right Flooring Underlay

Most people think flooring is just the covering they walk on, but it’s really made up of layers you don’t normally see. Flooring underlay is a thin material sandwiched between flooring above and the subfloor below. Its purpose is to provide an even surface, dampen noise, and improve bonding and stability. It’s also a necessity for radiant heating…

Features of 4 of the Most Popular Australian Timber Floors

Features of 4 of the Most Popular Australian Timber Floors

Australian timber is among the most beautiful and high-quality wood flooring options in the world. It is as unique as it is durable. For example, Australian Cypress (or Cypress Pine) is actually a softwood but harder than Red Oak, a hardwood. Plus, it’s renewable and sustainable. Here is information on 4 of the most popular Australian timber floors you…

5 of the Best Sustainable Flooring Options in 2019

5 of the Best Sustainable Flooring Options in 2019

When sustainable flooring hit the market in the early 1990s, it began as a niche demand. It has been rising in popularity since then with more and more homeowners leaving traditional flooring options in search of sustainable alternatives. Now there are several flooring options from which to choose. Here are five that are the most eco-friendly in 2019….

The Top Cork Flooring Trends in 2019

The Top Cork Flooring Trends in 2019

Although cork flooring is relatively new, the material is already present in many of our everyday products. As a flooring option, it has shown a side that nobody has seen before: incredibly interesting and beautiful to look at, and as appealing to the feet as it is to the eyes. Different colours, patterns, shapes and finishes are available to…

5 Reasons Why Vinyl Plank Flooring Is Still Popular

5 Reasons Why Vinyl Plank Flooring Is Still Popular

Vinyl, or PVC, exists in a variety of products from school binders to tarps. Because it’s a plastic, it can be of any strength, and so it made its way under our feet with sheet, tile and vinyl plank flooring. Vinyl flooring was in use starting in the 1930s, and while many other flooring options are now available,…

Introducing Quick-Step’s High Definition Laminate

Introducing Quick-Step’s High Definition Laminate

Featured on our Get Floors Instagram page this week was Quick-Step’s Colonial Plus collection; high quality, high definition, high performing laminate floors. The ideal choice for homeowners who favour traditional Australian hardwoods but are perhaps looking for a cost-effective alternative. These floors range in colour and species, each containing unique grains and bringing authenticity and character into…