By using our site, you are consenting to our website privacy policy. Specific details regarding this policy can be found below.

What type of information will we request? How will it be used?

To make a purchase or to register as a Get Floors site member, we request that your name, e-mail address, and personal mailing address be submitted to the site. This information may be used to personalize your shopping experience with Get Floors, improve our customer service standards, to add you as a member to our digital e-mail list, and/or for order processing and delivery services.

How is my personal information protected?

Get Floors uses a number of online security features to protect your personal information while you enter, submit, and access it through our site.

Is my personal information ever disclosed to outside parties?

Get Floors does not sell, trade, or transfer any of our site visitors’ personally identifiable information. On some occasions, we may share relevant personal information with trusted third parties who assist us in conducting business, operating our website, or otherwise servicing you. Your personal information may be released in order to comply with legal regulations, enforce site policies, or protect the rights of other site users.

Do you use cookies? Why?

In order to provide each of our site visitors with tailored information relevant to their specific interests, Get Floors employs the use of cookies.

Australian Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

Get Floors values our clients’ privacy. As such, we have taken the necessary steps to become compliant with the Australian Online Privacy Protection Act, which states that we will not distribute your personal information to unaffiliated third parties without your consent. For more information about the Australian Online Privacy Protection Act, click here.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

Get Floors is also compliant with the COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). This means we do not collect personal information from any individual under the age of 13; as such, our website, products, and associated services are offered exclusively to individuals age 13 or older.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

Any changes to the Get Floors privacy policy will be posted to this page for reference.

If you still have questions regarding the Get Floors privacy policy, feel free to contact us using the information below:

Address: Unit 4, 65-75 Captain Cook Driver
Caringbah, NSW 2229

E-mail: [email protected]